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10 Ways to Control High Blood Pressure

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Ways to reduce high blood pressure – step by step. Often it takes mini steps in one’s diet and lifestyle to bring about incremental improvements with high blood pressure. Here are ten ways to reduce high blood pressure. Just awareness of the need and ways to control high blood pressure is the best START...
  1. Know your blood pressure. Check regularly.
  2. To maintain weight you must first know what your weight is or should be. Keep it at or below that level.
  3. Avoid salty – fried / prepared foods, especially chips, prepared foods like canned soups. Don't use too much salt in cooking or at meals. Read food labels.
  4. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables as well as whole-grain, high-fiber foods as suggested by the CDC dietary recommendations.
  5. Alcohol calories add up. If you're a woman drink only one drink a day or two a day if you're a man.
  6. Take your medicine exactly as prescribed. Don't run out of your blood pressure pills even for a single day.
  7. Keep regular appointments with the doctor, if you miss one reschedule immediately.
  8. Follow your doctor's advice about your exercise regimen – be active.
  9. Have you family check their blood pressure annually, specially parents, brothers, sisters and children.
  10. Live a normal life in every other way.
Following the recommendations of your healthcare professionals and taking the advise of a NutritionVista dietitian are good ways to control high blood pressure. You can contact your dietitian at now!
Blood pressure levels
Normal: 120/80
Pre-hypertension: 139/89
Stage 1 hypertension: 159/99
Stage 2 hypertension: 160/100
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Health Solutions | In Depth Coverage provides web-based nutrition tools and services that enable consumers to take charge of their own health. Our clinical nutrition programs provide online nutrition counseling services for weight-control; nutrition therapy for managing diabetes and cancer and customized menu plans to lower cholesterol. Our online nutritionists provide health risk assessments, diet evaluations, guidance and support to address the consumers underlying health conditions and personal likes and dislikes.

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