Managing My Cancer Treatment Online Subscribe Now!
Cancer diet counseling to help manage MY cancer treatment:
This cancer diet management diary has been created to organize and keep track of
a patients cancer symptoms, condition, blood test results and nutrition status in
one easily accessible location - 'Online'
This is a customized cancer counseling program that helps the cancer patient optimize
their health and cancer treatment by keeping in constant touch with their dietitian
and oncologist to monitor their cancer diet before cancer treatment, cancer diet
during cancer treatment and cancer diet after cancer treatment.
We provide health tools to:
- Assess and record your daily health status
- Track and analyze your daily cancer diet
- Monitor your cancer side effects
Send comprehensive reports to oncologist
- Have a personal dietitian to talk to
at all times
Cancer counseling to help manage cancer treatment:
Symptom Tracker and Daily Food Diary Guide - The NutritionVista Symptom Tracker
and Daily Food Diary Guide, are customized tools that provide nutritional therapy
and information on food, diet & nutrition for cancer patients. These tools help
manage the patient’s health on a day-to-day basis, by allowing patients to track
and analyze their daily diet and nutrient intake throughout the treatment process.
- Talk to my dietitian who has extensive previous experience counseling patients
with cancer. - to get help with cancer management - cancer treatment - follow a
cancer diet
- Help plan a cancer menu plan - learn about foods for cancer patients - prevent
getting cancer with cancer prevention foods,
- Cancer recipes - Prepare recipes for cancer patients - eat a high protein
diet to boost energy and help heal muscle after surgery, chemo therapy, or radiation
- Keep track of blood counts, blood reports, tests to enable better menu planning
and nutrition.
Our trained dietitians will help you track and optimize your cancer treatment!
Assess Weekly Health
Maintain daily food diary
Treatment cycles & symptoms to adapt to changing health needs
Email a complete analysis report of diet, side-effects, treatment cycles and progress
to oncologist.
Stay in Touch
with your personal dietitian
What foods should a cancer patient eat during and after treatment? Foods offer powerful
medicine in the fight against cancer and only few easy changes to your daily diet
may reinforce your defense against certain cancers.

ABC's of Cancer

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CLINICAL Nutrition Packages
Health Risk Assessment & Prevention Program
One Month Obesity | Cholesterol | Diabetes | CVD
Cholesterol Reduction Program
Three Month Weight Loss | Cholesterol | Pre-diabetes | CVD
Glucose Stabilization | Obesity Reduction Program
Six Month Pre-diabetes stabilization | Cholesterol reduction | Weight Loss | Cancer management
Intensive - Disease Management Program
One Year Diabetes | Obesity | Cholesterol | CVD | Cancer Management
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