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10 Best Tips on Cooking The Right Way - To Retain Nutrition & Freshness

Monday, April 26, 2010
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10 Best Cooking Methods
Be it in the hospitality industry or good 'ol home cooking there are some best cooking methods which will ensure that the nutrition derived from cooked food is optimum. Vegetables & fruits are the best sources of water soluble vitamins and anti oxidants some of which are easily lost if exposed to air or washed in water, for example - Vitamin C. These nutrients have several important roles to play in our body but one important role is to help us gain immunity. The cooking method used also affects fat and sodium content - consider, for instance, that each tablespoon (about 14 g) of oil you use when frying adds 14 grams of fat and more than 100 calories. Instead of frying if you grill or broil meats and fish, you not only eliminate added oil but also allow any fat in the food to drip away.

The aim here is to help people adopt best cooking methods/ ten best cooking techniques to preserve the level of those nutrients which are in our control. We have listed 10 tips wherein you can try & retain maximum nutrition in fruits & vegetables.



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User Comments

22 June, 2010 | Poonam Vaswani | Reply

Poonam Vaswani Hello Amita,
There is well documented information on the effect of HIGH level microwaves on humans, and they are known to be harmful to humans. Our understanding of the impact of LOW levels microwaves, which are used in cooking foods in microwave ovens, comes more from animal studies which may not always be replicated in humans. Controlled, long-term studies with a large numbers of humans need to be carried out to study the impact of low level microwaves on humans. Till then, it is very important to meet the FDA safety standards, and suitable precautions should be taken while cooking.
Microwave cooking does result in some nutrient losses, especially of vitamin B and C and antioxidants. However, these losses can be minimised when food is cooked in a short time & with minimum water needed.

21 June, 2010 | Amita | Reply

Amita Is microwave cooking safe? Does it help in retaining nutrients?

30 May, 2010 | Janki | Reply

Janki Hello Kanu,
Chick peas are high in Protein, Calcium and Iron. These nutrients have least effect of soda bi carb in terms of nutrient loss. Watersoluble vitamins like B complex and Vitamin C are lost due to soda. One should not use soda for cooking green vegetables to retain nutrients.

27 May, 2010 | kanu | Reply

kanu What about addition of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) while cooking chickpeas?Does it also lead to loss of nutrients?

26 April, 2010 | Janki Patel | Reply

Janki Patel Hello Suman,
The taste we get in fried food, is due to fat content.Have you noticed that full cream milk will taste sweeter then skim milk? Fat or fried food gives a satiety- feeling of satisfaction and fullness. We may not stop after eating two chips because it is the sensory quality that makes us eat more.

26 April, 2010 | Geetanjali | Reply

Geetanjali Dear Suman,

Frying of foods improves the color, texture, flavor and taste of foods. Cooking in oil, extract the essential oils responsible for the flavor of foods, spices. Moreover, starchy fried foods release 'serotonin' a stress buster. So when you eat chips, you feel better and can go on eating them till you finish.

Ms Geetanjali Kelkar, PhD
Dietitian online

26 April, 2010 | Suman, Calcutta | Reply

Suman, Calcutta Why does fried food actually taste better.


Why does it make us want more - so that we dont stop eating.

Have you tried stopping eating after eating just 3-4 chips, when you are nibbling on potato chips

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