Sometimes we simply overlook these tips or just take them for granted.
But hygiene can be your first and best defensive shield and help protect you from catching the flu when you get exposed to it.
7 Hygiene Tips -
- Teach your children to wash their hands before they sit down to eat
even if they are having just a snack, and then right after they finish
- Show them how to scrub their hands with soap after going to the toilet. Feces contamination can cause severe illnesses in children, elderly family members and pregnant women.Keep a nail brush handy for little kids and show them how to remove the dirt from under their nails.
- Insist that all household help wash their hands with soap and water just like you make your children wash up. Remember that they are often the ones preparing your food or taking care of your children.
- Wash / rinse all fresh vegetables and fruits several times in water very well.
- If your child has a fever with a cold and cough (even 99) keep them home from school. Your child's immunity is low when they are running a fever, and going to school can expose them to more germs. Use disposable paper cups for anyone who is sick.
- Carry tissues when you or your child has a cold, running nose and is sneezing. Handkerchiefs let the germs collect and get passed on when you touch doorknobs or faucets or simply shake hands. Buy alcohol based hand sanitizer gels and wipes - Use them!
- Home cooked food is safest, as restaurant staff may have the flu as well.
Most importantly a balanced, nourishing diet complete with phytonutrient`s & immune
boosters, adequate sleep, plenty of water and juices WILL give you the ability to fight off the flu when exposed to it.
Several countries are offering the H1N1 vaccine. Children, elderly parents and those with immune disorders are most vulnerable and should get the vaccine. However, your doctor will best guide you and make appropriate recommendations.
For further advise on what to eat and what to avoid, you can contact one of our dietitians and they will help you plan out menus for when you have the flu.
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