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Balancing Your Diet - To Fight a Bulging Waistline!

Saturday, May 12, 2012
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The battle of the BULGE is a juggling act!!
BUT, eating right is a no brainer...
So, get moving!
After all, you are what you eat ---
You know that eating healthy food promotes good health and unhealthy food habits lead to a diseased body. Besides that healthy foods contain vital nutrients that make our body perform energetically, our brain think intelligently, and our skin glow so we can look beautiful / handsome.
Missing out on nutrients such as - calcium, vitamins A,B, C, D, K, is such a waste, for simply thinking before you put food in your mouth will ensure you get the right balance of nutrition. Why choose fatty foods loaded with cholesterol, salt and sugar, when you can be smarter and choose lighter, less greasy, freshly prepared foods.
Remember, YOU always have the choice.
So, what should you eat every day at the minimum? See your colors below -
ANY variety of fresh fruits & vegetables (5 servings)
All colorful vegetables - beetroot, carrots, spinach, radiches, cabbage, capsicum, sweet potato, lettuce, methi, coriander, etc.
All colorful fruits - apples, papaya, melons, grapes, guavas, bananas, kiwi, blueberries, oranges, fresh juices, etc.
Low fat dairy & low fat dairy products (2-3 servings)
Low fat dairy, and low fat dairy products - low fat milk, curd, paneer, milk puddings, home made ice cream, yogurt/ fruit smoothies. Low fat home made cold coffee without cream (NOT Barista, or Cafe Coffee Day). Dont put cream in tea or coffee - use milk.
Whole grains cereals and pulses (7 - 11 servings)
Make at least half of your grains and cereals whole grains. - oatmeal cereal, whole wheat chappati, jowar, bajra rotis, daliya, brown rice, ragi flour, and more.
Proteins (2-3 servings)
Tofu, beans, lentils, eggs, poultry (grilled chicken, not fried or floating in oily gravy), fish (all fish are good) and meat products (not including pepperoni, ham, fast food hotdogs and hamburgers)
A few good hearted Fats (1-3 servings)
Monounsaturated fats - walnuts, olives, avocados. Polyunsaturated fats & omega 3's - Seafood like salmon and fish oil, as well as corn, soy, safflower and sunflower oils, flax seed, avocadoes. But, watch portion sizes - these are all loaded with calories.
A healthy balanced diet from these five food groups ensures essential vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Not only that, eating foods that offer a lot f variety is certainly better then eating the same boring junk food and fast food. Lastly, don't forget to drink plenty of water to keep your body well hydrated.
So be COOL, and show off your healthy body and mind.
Throw in some decent exercise and you will shine out in a crowd.
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Register today so you can have one of our dietitians assigned to address your specific health needs and habits - so you start on the road to better health and sustainable weight loss.

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User Comments

11 June, 2012 | aradhana chopra | Reply

aradhana chopra portion size is d meal required to anybody(according to there weight,age and lifestyle)serving size is same for everybody.

23 September, 2010 | Rajshree Singh | Reply

Rajshree Singh This is quite a comprehensive overview of healthy diet.
@ Rita, I too go in with you, healthy diet and exercise are important to keep many diseases at bay.

26 July, 2010 | Priya | Reply

Priya Should I avoid eating rice when I am on a weight reduction diet?

13 July, 2010 | Shwetha | Reply

Shwetha I always believe that eating right, that is including vegetables and fruits on a daily basis, controlling the intake of fried foods and sweets, including natural and wholesome foods in our diet along with exercise will help not only in controlling our weight but will also keep most of the diseases at bay.

05 June, 2010 | Kanika Jain | Reply

Kanika Jain Hi Rita,

Portion size is how much amount of food one chooses to eat at a time, whereas serving size is the unit of measure to describe the amount of food recommended from each food group. Portion can be bigger or smaller than the recommended food servings.

Kanika Jain

31 May, 2010 | Rita | Reply

Rita Hi,
I would like to know the difference between portion size and serving size.

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