They don't call water 'the elixir of life' for nothing - Drink at least 8 glasses each day to energize your cells from the ends of your hair to the tips of your toes.
It is H2O that makes you zing, look beautiful or handsome, muscles strong, body energized, hair and nails healthy and your body pulsating with life. Stop drinking it and your skin becomes as parched and pale as the rippled sand in the Kalahari Desert. Unlike the camel king of the desert, humans unfortunately cannot store water in their body. We need to replenish our water needs on a daily basis to maintain the fluid & electrolyte balance. Every drop of sweat that trickles down your back or rolls off your brow drains your body's stored reserves.
Water - essential for health, essential for life.
The needs of this forgotten nutrient are varied. Water is the lifeline of your body; from making your skin glow, to how you feel, energized or sluggish, it also dictates how good your overall health is. All body functions and processes such as digestion, absorption, transportation of nutrients and elimination of body wastes, regulation of body temperature and more depend on your water quotient. Drink up all the H2O your body craves so you can look and feel good. How tough is it to drink 8-10 glasses in a 24-hour period? Don't depend on thirst cues to guide your water intake even though thirst is a sign of dehydration. The body doesn't overtly tell you that you are dehydrating yourself, but it does give basic signals. So look out for these signals: headaches, body cramps, fatigue & irritability, then understand what your body needs and drink up. So, get with it, attach the water nozzle to your body, and filler-up to get maximum mileage for a healthy lifestyle.
Tips on reminding yourself to drink water:
Keep a bottle and a glass of water on your desk. If you see it, you will drink it for as the saying goes 0 out of sight is out of mind.
Flavor plain water with herbs, cumin, sea salt and fresh mint to improve taste and intake. The salt refreshes the body as well.
Drink a glass upon waking up, to hydrate your night-parched body.
Meal times is a great time to replenish water lost during perspiration from your body. As you are focus on eating, keep the water glass filled up and ready to go.
Quench your thirst with fluids like coconut water, butter milk, lime juice, fresh vegetable/fruit juices that contain plenty of water like cucumber, tomato, pumpkin, watermelon, squashes, aam panna (cooked mango juice extract), bottle gourd, and mint. They are loaded with plenty of vitamins, minerals & antioxidants.
By. Kanchan Saggi
Track your water intake in your "Daily Food, Nutrition & Exercise Diary"
Purchase a Clinical Nutrition Care package to access Nutrition Tools and talk to your personal dietitian who can guide you.
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