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Hereditary Obesity - A Result of Long Term Imbalance Between Omega 3’s & Omega 6’s

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
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Hereditary Obesity - A Result of Long Term Imbalance Between Omega 3's & Omega 6's
Earlier what we ate and how much weight we gained was our individual problem, with one just worrying about having to lose a lot of weight gained while eating burgers, fries, pizzas and guzzling beer with buddies over weekends.

Now a new study out just made the burden of worry even more worrisome.

Longterm bad eating habits not only lead to obesity but can also influence genes and lead to hereditary obesity in the family.

There is more than a thin line between eating right and overeating and therefore its vital for people to take responsibility, both for how much they eat and what they eat. Unfortunately, most people not only overeat but have the wrong kind of fats in their diet. According to researchers in France this has both an immediate and a long term impact on health.

As we all know, we require both Omega-6 and omega-3 fats in PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) for good health. But if we have too much of Omega - 6 and disproportionate amount of omega-3 it can lead to overweight, as is seen repeatedly in many experiments. It immediately leads to obesity and long term it is carried from one generation to another.



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User Comments

27 August, 2010 | Geetanjali Kelkar | Reply

Geetanjali Kelkar Metabolic syndrome has a cluster of risk factors as obesity, high blood pressure, high blood fats. Adding a little fish oil to a diet low in saturated fats, and high in complex carbohydrates may improve cholesterol levels suggests a new study. The study was published in Journal of Nutrition September issue. The presence of the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oils does the magic

04 August, 2010 | Geetanjali Kelkar | Reply

Geetanjali Kelkar A deficiency of omega 3 fatty acids is correlated with over 50 diseases and dreadful illnesses as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, arthritis. Also cancer, cardiac ailments, hyperactivity, autism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s. The list goes on Hence, it appears vital to watch our daily diets and include foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids as flax seeds, nuts and oilseeds, the right blend of oils(combination oils as rice bran + groundnuts, soybean + groundnut) to prevent these ailments along with hereditary obesity.

27 July, 2010 | Manjula B, North Carolina | Reply

Manjula B,  North Carolina Yesterday I crushed and ground about 20 cloves of garlic - and I left them out in a small bowl covered overnight by mistake.
This morning they had turned green? it was really weird and I hadnt seen that before.
I threw it out of course - but I was curious about why that happened.

27 July, 2010 | Poonam Vaswani | Reply

Poonam Vaswani When garlic is not completely ripe and dry, it can turn green in the presence of heat or sunlight, due to the synthesis of a chlorophyll like compound. A similar reaction can occur in presence of acidic medium like, vinegar and lemon juice or with copper based vessles . It is harmless.

27 July, 2010 | Manjula | Reply

Manjula I threw it out as it had turned green.
Poonam, by harmless do you mean it is still edible, or not. Could I still have used it in cooking.

It wasnt really in the heat or the sun- it was sitting covered near the back on my counter.

27 July, 2010 | Poonam Vaswani | Reply

Poonam Vaswani Yes, Manjula, you could have still used it in cooking.

27 July, 2010 | Manjula S | Reply

Manjula S Thanks Ms Vaswani.
I am feeling bad I threw it out.
I should have put it in the fridge right away.
I didnt.
Live and learn.

27 July, 2010 | Mrinal | Reply

Mrinal Couple of questions -
Do nuts such as almonds and flax seeds lose some of their nutritional value during cooking.
Are they best had fairly fresh.
Also what is the shelf life of nuts. I mean how long can or should you keep them in jars before they have lost a lot of value.
Are raw / green almonds better then the regular dried ones we are used to?

27 July, 2010 | Vijayalakshmi Iyengar | Reply

Vijayalakshmi Iyengar Hello Mrinal
Flax seeds and most nuts are eaten for their healthy fat content which is not affected by roasting or cooking. With regard to the shelf life of almonds since it has a high fat content, which unless it is stored properly in a tightly sealed container in a cool dark place away from sunlight, will get rancid. This way it can be stored at room temperature for 2-3 months and for a year in the refrigerator.
Raw or green almonds are fresh almonds available only for a short time around April –May.Their nutritive value is more or less the same as mature almonds but they taste different.

27 July, 2010 | Poonam Vaswani | Reply

Poonam Vaswani Cooking almonds can lead to a loss of some nutrients. Flaxseed is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids which can be destroyed on heating. Infact, flaxseed should be stored in the refrigerator .
Nuts have a shelf life of about 4/5 months if kept in airtight containers. It can be extended by 3-4 months when refrigerated.
Green almonds provide similar health benefits as dried ones, although they do have a higher Vitamin C content and provide lesser calories.

27 July, 2010 | Kamini Pradeep | Reply

Kamini Pradeep Hi I just want to know if I add a ½ -1 tsp of flax seeds per person, in the salad or any dish everyday will I be able to improve my family`s intake of omega 3 fatty acids? Will it alter the taste of the dish?

31 July, 2010 | Sangeetha Narayana Swamy | Reply

Sangeetha Narayana Swamy Dear Kamini,

If you are not used to taking flax seeds and are planning to include them now, then take care to drink plenty of water. The soluble fiber present in flax seed needs water to work well, which otherwise can result in constipation. Start by including about 2 tsp a day, slowly increasing it to about 5-6 tsp per day if you are not used to taking high fiber diet.

27 July, 2010 | Poonam Vaswani | Reply

Poonam Vaswani An adult can take upto 2 tbsp of ground unroasted flaxseed per day. However for children 1 tsp per day is good enough.

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