Hereditary Obesity - A Result of Long Term Imbalance Between Omega 3's & Omega 6's
Earlier what we ate and how much weight we gained was our individual problem, with one just worrying about having to lose a lot of weight gained while eating burgers, fries, pizzas and guzzling beer with buddies over weekends.
Now a new study out just made the burden of worry even more worrisome.
Longterm bad eating habits not only lead to obesity but can also influence genes and lead to hereditary obesity in the family.
There is more than a thin line between eating right and overeating and therefore its vital for people to take responsibility, both for how much they eat and what they eat. Unfortunately, most people not only overeat but have the wrong kind of fats in their diet. According to researchers in France this has both an immediate and a long term impact on health.
As we all know, we require both Omega-6 and omega-3 fats in PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) for good health. But if we have too much of Omega - 6 and disproportionate amount of omega-3 it can lead to overweight, as is seen repeatedly in many experiments. It immediately leads to obesity and long term it is carried from one generation to another.
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