Protein enriched sports drinks - Muscle performance enabler or unwanted caloric booster?
That the carbs in the sports drink aids performance is well proven but for many years researchers have contemplated enriching the carbohydrate drink with 'protein.'
Adding protein sounds sensible and simple - But, is it?
Energy drinks fuel the body instantly by keeping the blood glucose levels steady and permit the body to face physical challenges for longer durations without compromising the intensity. But some sports enthusiasts ask - Since protein is what body muscles are essentially built with - wouldn't it be more logical to include it in the sports drink and reap that extra benefit?
The results vary with each aditional study that is conducted. Some trials have shown that protein enhanced sports drinks do infact assist the athlete, but these studies have also received their share of criticism as they were high in calories. The calories might be what enhanced the athlete's performance, not the protein added.
Several studies published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine have concluded that the addition of protein neither hampered nor enhanced an athletes' performance.
Dr. Asker Jeukendrup, a professor in the school of sport and exercise sciences at the University of Birmingham in England and senior author of the study, says "No one has a clue why protein would work" and we also know that "Protein is not a good fuel" so these results are not surprising as they do not provide us a conclusive answer.
Despite the lack of supportive evidence, the department of Exercise Physiology and Metabolism Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA believed protein can and may do something during the sport performance.
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