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The Future Of Diabetes Treatment & Management - 2011-2012

Monday, May 07, 2012
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2011 Diabetes updates – recent developments, trials, new treatments.Incidence of diabetes
Results of a major international study which were published in the Lancet (25th June, 2011) revealed that currently 350 million adults worldwide suffer from diabetes. The results also showed that the prevalence of the disease has either remained unchanged or has risen in most parts of the world over the last three decades. While seventy per cent of the rise was due to population growth and aging, 30 per cent was due to higher prevalence. It was also responsible for over three million deaths worldwide each year.

The study, the largest of its kind for diabetes was led by Professor Majid Ezzati from Imperial College London and co-led by Dr. Goodarz Danaei from the Harvard School of Public Health, in collaboration with The World Health Organization and several other institutions.

So far no technique is available to cure diabetes. Disease management with the help of correct diet, medication (oral hypoglycaemic agents and/or insulin), blood glucose monitoring and exercise are the cornerstones for managing the disease.

Finding a permanent cure for the disease will be one of the greatest breakthroughs in medical science. Several animal studies have shown promising results and there seems to be plenty of hope for diabetics in the near future.

  • 2011 Diabetes updates – recent developments, trials, new treatments. NIH Stem cell – study - A National Institutes of Health funded research study converted stem cells from the human endometrium, into insulin-producing cells and transplanted them into mice to control the animals' diabetes. The study's findings suggest the possibility that endometrial stem cells could be used to develop insulin-producing islet cells. If the technique is successful amongst humans, women with diabetes will be able to provide their own endometrial tissue for such a transplant, and avoid the risk of rejection of tissue from another person. Endometrial stem cells can easily be collected during a simple outpatient procedure. It is also possible after a hysterectomy.




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User Comments

01 May, 2012 | Samantha | Reply

Samantha There is limited prognosis in the future of Diabetes treatment unless there is addition of an intensive lifestyle intervention especially in children.
According to David Allen, MD, from the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, writes that 50 years ago children did not need to make healthy choices to avoid obesity because "they simply lived in an environment that provided fewer calories and included more physical activity for all. Any illness from childhood overnutrition is a societal and cultural problem that current medicines treat, but they cannot "stave off a lifetime of illness".

13 December, 2011 | Vidya Yadav | Reply

Vidya Yadav An Ultra-Low-Calorie, Low-Carb Diet is Sufficient to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?
According to a ground breaking British study with just 11 patients on a restricted super-low-calorie diet with just diet drinks and non-starchy vegetables. On completion of 8 weeks the researchers monitored the fat content in the liver and the insulin production from the pancreas and compared to a control group of non-diabetics.
According to the researchers after just a week, the Fasting blood sugar levels were normal, MRI scans of the patients’ pancreases revealed that fat levels had dropped, which allowed the organ to produce more insulin.
The researchers felt that though the results were promising it was a very small study, but held promise that with proper management Diabetes could be reversed and also cautioned that diabetic patients should not undertake such a drastic dietary change without medical supervision.

21 November, 2011 | Shipra | Reply

Shipra an interesting article in Science Digest - Although daily injections of insulin would still be needed, inhaled insulin is currently in clinical trials and may be headed for a fast track approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These inhalers are about the size of a flashlight and uses rapid-acting insulin. The sprayed insulin is inhaled into the mouth and coats the mouth, throat and tongue. The insulin passes quickly into the bloodstream.

16 November, 2011 | Vijayalakshmi Iyengar | Reply

Vijayalakshmi Iyengar Could this be yet another exciting finding in diabetes research? Researchers at Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York with the confirmation that the brain plays a role in glucose production in the liver, feel that this may now lead to new ways to treat diabetes by targeting the brain and the central nervous system instead of the pancreas.

According to study lead, Preeti Kishore, there may be a possibility of treating diabetes by restoring normal blood sugar regulation by targeting the potassium channels in the brain. This discovery could lead to new diabetes treatments with drugs that target the brain and central nervous system instead of the pancreas. Further studies are required, as the research is still ongoing.

16 November, 2011 | Priya Yadav | Reply

Priya Yadav Before Human insulin was manufactured, insulin derived from pigs and cows was used to treat diabetics. Scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis are conducting experiments to find out if they can transfer pancreatic cells from pigs that would manufacture insulin in humans.Testing in humans is in the planning stages.
The advantage they see is in this method is that transplantation of the cells may not require any immune suppression (anti-rejection) drugs, typically required with the transplantation of whole organs and these drugs cause a lifetime of side effects and complications.

16 November, 2011 | Vijayalakshmi Iyengar | Reply

Vijayalakshmi Iyengar Despite the fact that scientists are constantly trying to develop new approaches to diabetes treatment, we dietitians at NV support the view held by ADA (American Diabetes Association) in that prevention — with lifestyle changes in diet, activity and attitude -is the best way to tackle this growing health care problem.

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Tags: Alcohol Abuse, Carbohydrates, Cholesterol, Chronic Lifestyle Diseases, Diabetes, Diabetes Management, Diabetes Prevention, Diet, Exercise and Yoga, Gestational Diabetes, Obesity / Weight Loss, Pre-Diabetes, Screening, Sedentary Lifestyle, Smoking, Type 1 Diabetes - Juvenile Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes - Insulin Dependent Diabetes


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