Weight Gain - An Easy Transition From FIT to FAT...
However conscious we may be of our food intake, we all go through phases of poor control where sensible diet plans fly out the window. During festival time or vacation time, especially, we tend to become a little carefree and give into temptations. Could these few weeks of overeating, drinking and merry making have any long term impacts?
A study published in the BioMed Central’s open access journal, Nutrition and Metabolism found that a 4 week episode of increased intake and decreased exercise can lead to increased weight and fat mass more than two years later, as compared to control individuals.
Åsa Ernersson along with a team of researchers from Linköping University Sweden investigated the long term effects of a sedentary and gluttonous lifestyle on 18 subjects with an average age of 26 years. Their food consumption was increased such that their energy intake was increased by an average of 70% for four weeks. Their physical activity was limited to no more than 5000 steps per day. The control group ate and exercised as normal.
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