The Basics Of Yoga - Understanding The Health Benefits of Yoga.
"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured."
Yoga is a practice that uses -
(asanas) |
Breathing technique
(pranayama) |
to relax & strengthen inner body |
YOGA is a form of exercise that is based on several scientific principles and is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj” meaning yoke, to unite or join. In yoga, joining or integrating involves all aspects of the individual - body with mind and mind with soul, to achieve a balanced & productive life.
There are many different types of yoga from gentle to strenuous as well as a new form called power yoga that helps improve circulation in the body from head to toe.
Yoga founded by Patanjali is a scientific system of physical and mental practices that originated in India more than three thousand years ago. Its purpose is to help the body optimize its strength and performance through controlled moves. Yoga can help extend life by making it healthier and more productive.
Yoga provides several additional benefits for the body, structural and functional ones. On the structural level – Yoga helps in aligning vertebrae, increasing flexibility and strengthening muscles, simultaneously on the functional level - the internal organs get toned and rejuvenated; the epidermal, digestive, lymphatic, cardiovascular, and pulmonary systems are purified of toxins and waste matter; the nervous and endocrine systems are balanced and toned; and brain cells are nourished and stimulated.
Overall benefits of yoga are increased mental clarity, emotional stability, and a greater sense of overall wellbeing.
Research has shown that yoga can help alleviate symptoms in people dealing with varying health issues such as back pain, chronic headaches, sleeplessness, obesity, neck aches, upset stomach, anxiety, depression and high blood pressure.
We will be discussing other aspects of yoga in our next article on THE YOGA SERIES...
Parul Bhatnagar, Dietitian
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