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Exercise May Reverse Cardiovascular Disease As Well as Prevent It

Thursday, September 27, 2012
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Dr Rainer Rauramaa's of Kuopio Research Institute of Exercise Medicine, Finland, felt that regular moderate intensity exercises was the turning point in the treatment of hypertension even if results were minimal, unlike the previous understanding that the diastolic blood pressure did not improve with exercise, He also felt that there is a correlation between genetic factors and response of a persons BP to exercise. Rauramma`s study also showed that the effect of exercise on lowering BP lasts for only a few days so a person must persist for continual results. His study showed that anti-atherosclerotic effect of exercise can be seen when exercise is continued long term as it took over 3 yrs for the thickening of intima media of the carotid artery.

Finally a PET Multicenter study by Dr Rainer Hambrecht (HerzzentrumBremen, Germany) showed that if exercise was continued for at least 12 months then its benefits were as good as PCI for - Myocardial perfusion, angina threshold and exercise capacity. However exercise clearly scored more as it also improves endothelial function to slow down the progression of the disease. This markedly brings out the fact that PCI acts effectively only locally but good exercise training can impact at the very foundation of the disease. Dr Hambrecht therefore recommends that CVD patients should adhere to the professional guidelines of exercising 3-4 times a week for around 30 minutes as moderate intensity and as more exertion could increase risk of fatal arrhythmias. On the other hand he felt that he would be really happy if he could convince patients with coronary artery disease to take part in a moderate exercise program.

Vijayalakshmi Iyengar
Sr Dietitian



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User Comments

24 November, 2010 | Vijayalakshmi Iyengar | Reply

Vijayalakshmi Iyengar People with CVD -dont stop exercising but follow a few tips to make it safer.
1. Get the doctor's approval before you lift weights, jog, or swim.
2. Be sure any exercise is paced and balanced with rest.
3. Do not exercise outdoors when it is too cold, hot, or humid as they all lead to other complications. High humidity will tire you quickly; extreme temperatures can interfere with circulation, make breathing difficult, and cause chest pain. Indoor activities are safer especially in extreme temperatures.
4. Avoid walking on hilly terrain as much as possible.
5. Always be hydrated well before and after exercise especially on hot & humid days.
6. If there has been a break in routine, start gradually again and slowly go on to the full fledged level.

20 November, 2010 | suchitra | Reply

suchitra A friend of mine is just about 60yrs and has high BP, drinks a peg everyday, is not physically very active and worries for everything. He recently had 4-5 seizures due to calcification in the brain. When we suggest yoga or meditation or any de stress activity he says he cant comply. Well what do we do with such people who dont want to comply even if it means their health.

12 November, 2010 | Meena | Reply

Meena i am a 78 yr old stroke patient for the past 17 years - it affected my complete right side so i cannot use my R arm and wear legbraces for R leg.

i am alive today because i exercise everyday at gym for 2 hours. if i skip even 2 days my muscles feel weak and i feel unstedy on feet.

i also eat much btr now - less red meat and lots of fruit and vegetables like spinach, peppers, radish and cauliflower - fruits like blueberies and strawberies and melons and lot more, also almonds n walnuts.
i also take a lot of supplemens - for my glaucoma and calcium for my osteoporsis.
but exercize is what keeps me alive. believe in yourself

13 November, 2010 | Sangeetha Narayana Swamy | Reply

Sangeetha Narayana Swamy Dear Meena,

A good exercise regimen, nutritious diet and the will to stay healthy is - works magic on our physical and mental healthy. Glad to know that even at this age you exercise in the gym and put efforts to eat healthy.

My uncle who is 65 yrs of age is diabetic and measures his BP and blood glucose every sunday. He says the week he has missed on his exercise, his BP and blood sugar shoot up and he sees a significant control when he exercises regularly.

Exercise is the magic potion that all of us should take regularly to stay active and healthy.

12 November, 2010 | Mrinal | Reply

Mrinal Hi Sujatha,
In which city does your father live?

Our dietitians will make recommendations regarding other exercise alternatives for your father - meanwhile one thing he could try and do is go to the market early in the morning - before the pollution from traffic increases and starts feeling oppressive - also as the day wears on the temperatures rise and make the pollution feel worse.

I know this might not be a viable option, but being outside mid day in India when the streets are so very crowded and noisy and dusty may be aggravating not just his cough and wheezing but also the noise and navigating through the traffic may be stressful for him as well.

Steaming at night with Vicks may help the congestion also - but that is just a stop gap measure.
I hope this helps.

12 November, 2010 | Sujatha | Reply

Sujatha My father underwent a bypass surgery in March 2008. He does not walk briskly, his walking is only going to the market or to the booth to get milk. Also he has chest congestion due to his smoking habit (he quit many years ago). He says that the dust and pollution increases his sneezing and coughing if he walks outside for a longer time. Is there any other alternative you can suggest?

20 November, 2010 | Sangeetha Narayana Swamy | Reply

Sangeetha Narayana Swamy Dear Sujatha,

Here are a few alternatives your father can try -
1. Early morning walk for 40 mins will help and also the pollution at that time will be low
2. Walking in a park with lots of trees
3. Ask him to practice yoga, the breathing exercises in yoga helps in relieving congestion and keep the airways clear.
4. Indoor walking, he can walk in the backyard of the house or inside the hall if the area he is staying is very polluted.

A good diet with regular exercise is the mantra to maintain a healthy heart and body.

12 November, 2010 | Arushi Nath | Reply

Arushi Nath My parents go out to the local park for a 45 minute walk every evening (5 evenings) once the traffic has gone down and they have finished their dinner.
They meet up with a couple of friends always for company. They dont walk briskly but are about and on their feet the whole time.

They also come back happy to have chatted and then later watch the TV serials.

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Tags: Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Lifestyle Diseases, Exercise and Yoga, Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Heart Health, Sedentary Lifestyle


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