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Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease - Upper GI Disorders

Monday, August 09, 2010
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Hiren was tired but could not sleep as the month end targets loomed large and kept him anxious. He decided to have his last smoke while lying down, as luckily his wife Smitha had turned in. Then a stab of pain hit him. He was nauseous and felt the pain spreading through out his chest cavity. When the pain did not subside even after a drink of water he was sure it was a Heart attack.

In the emergency room, the doctor quizzed him on his day's intake. She then pinned it on the beer with Spicy chicken wings at the team meeting. A couple of antacids did the trick and ten minutes down the line she heard Hiren say that he was feeling better. A heart condition was ruled out by some of the other tests that she had conducted. She knew that it had to be gastritis or beginning of a gastric ulcer, and if immediate action was not taken it would be a long haul.






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User Comments

03 September, 2010 | Mohammed Hussein | Reply

Mohammed Hussein Hi I am a business consultant and need to socialise a lot to build a good network to have a good reach. I am compelled to eat out a lot of times and in Hi-Fi restaurants in Hotels at that........a professional hazard.I rarely ever smoke and have an occasional peg if I find it difficult to refuse.
All this eating out is causing a havoc on my system. Hotel food is heavy how ever wisely you choose and I suffer from dyspepsia a lot.I detest antacids and I do not want to take anti-acids regularly.Can you offer any suggestions, within the context of my profession, on how I can handle my problem without medication

03 September, 2010 | Poonam | Reply

Poonam Hello Mr Hussein,
A lot of corporate employees face a similar problem. My suggestion is that if you leave for dinner from home, eat a small snack at home first, and then eat a small light meal at the resaurant. You could start with a clear vegetable soup and dinner roll(avoid butter). You could follow it with a grilled dish like fish or chicken, which is lighly spiced. For dessert you could eat a small bowl of freshly cut fruits.
It is ideal if you sleep at least 2 hours after this meal. It will help the food to get digested and leave you feeling comfortable.

03 September, 2010 | Vijayalakshmi | Reply

Vijayalakshmi Dear Mr Hussein
I assume that you have tried life style changes for the better and assuming that smoking & alcohol is minimal if not completely avoided and this is the best you can do.
Given the constraints I can suggest a couple of measures which might help. Any or all may help.
1.Start any meal with water and cut into your appetite for then, make up later with good snacks like a fistful of almonds some fruits or yogurt if you feel hungry.
2.If possible have a smaller but a good lunch or dinner at home before setting out so that you eat just a little while socialising or doing business. Laugh off your poor eating to a previous appointment where in you had eaten a rather large snack.
3.While choosing dishes choose foods which are prebiotic and probiotic. One complements the other. Prebiotic food include whole grains, bananas, artichokes, chickpeas, whole fruits and vegetables and spices like garlic, fennel , ginger, chamomile etc which can enhance intestinal health as well as probiotic use. Probiotic foods include yogurt, acidophilus milk, enhanced cheeses etc.
4.Check if certain foods in particular trigger dyspepsia and avoid those foods
5.No compromise on work outs and physical activity. This will help you burn out all the extra calories you land up eating. Exercise for a minimum of 40-45 mts and increase to an hour if need be or exercise twice a day if possible .It does not hurt to exercise more in any which way you can. Yoga is even better along with once a day exercise, for holistic workout too.
6.Sleep well and de-stress as they contribute to holistic healing.
Please do get back and let us know if it helped.

03 September, 2010 | Sangeetha Narayana Swamy | Reply

Sangeetha Narayana Swamy Dear Mohammed Hussein,

We can understand your professional hazard, you have to find a way that will help your health as well as your buisness.

1. While eating out begin your meal with either a warm clear vegetable soup or a green salad, this not only makes you consume fiber but also will help you to have less of other fried or junk snacks.
2. You have not mentioned you BMI, if you are over weight then we strongly suggest you lose some weight which will help your gastritis and dyspepsia.
3. The mantra is small and frequent meals, more of fiber to improve your gut, lots of fluids and water, regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight.
4. Also take care about the amount of meat and dairy products you include in your diet.

We recommend you join our Health Risk Assessment and Prevention Program and we will plan a healthy and balanced diet considering the present conditions.

Thank you for your query.

03 September, 2010 | Sangeetha Narayana Swamy | Reply

Sangeetha Narayana Swamy Dietary and Lifestyle modifications go a long way in helping gastritis and ulcers. Making a few modifications like eating small and frequent meals, including more of complex carbohydrates, fiber rich foods especially the soluble fiber, exercising 4-5 times a week and last but not the least, drinking sufficient water and being hydrated will keep the gut good.

01 October, 2010 | Aloysis prabhu | Reply

Aloysis prabhu Hello Sangeetha we are young and occasionally party, maybe have a couple of drinks never more , a few fried eats and rich food compared to normal but even that leads to a kind of reflux.

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Tags: Gastritis, Health Hazards, Mental Health, Nutrition, Renal Diseases, Smoking, Ulcers


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