Hiren was tired but could not sleep as the month end targets loomed large and kept him anxious. He decided to have his last smoke while lying down, as luckily his wife Smitha had turned in. Then a stab of pain hit him. He was nauseous and felt the pain spreading through out his chest cavity. When the pain did not subside even after a drink of water he was sure it was a Heart attack.
In the emergency room, the doctor quizzed him on his day's intake. She then pinned it on the beer with Spicy chicken wings at the team meeting. A couple of antacids did the trick and ten minutes down the line she heard Hiren say that he was feeling better. A heart condition was ruled out by some of the other tests that she had conducted. She knew that it had to be gastritis or beginning of a gastric ulcer, and if immediate action was not taken it would be a long haul.
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