India`s Burden
Deficiency of dietary Iodine: Iodine deficiency (IDD) is known to cause endemic goiter* (Goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland, appears as a swelling in the neck. When Iodine level is low the cell size increases trying to trap maximum iodine to synthesize the hormone and thereby enlarges in size& its widespread or endemic)
It also has the most damaging effect in a developing fetus ranging from mild brain dysfunction to irreversible mental retardation. Nowadays brain damage caused due to Iron deficiency during pregnancy is one of the most preventable of tragic conditions.
In India alone, over 200 million people are at risk of IDD and around 71 million suffer from Goiter and IDD. Supplementation of iodine as iodized salt that is used in the daily diet, has been the most promising and economical solution to ensure that iodine is available for normal body functions
What are the consequences of Iodine deficiency (IDD)?
- Goitre
- Subnormal intelligence
- Endemic cretinism
- Spontaneous abortions
- Defect in vision, hearing, and speech - psychomotor defects
- Hypothyroidism
- Spasticity & Neuromuscular weakness
- Intrauterine death (still birth)
- Mental retardation - (Loss of 13 IQ points)
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