Early CDT- lung - New blood test for cancer detection
When a tumor begins to develop, cancer cells produce antigens which trigger the body's immune system to produce antibodies. The body produces a large number of antibodies in an attempt to fight off the antigens.
Researchers at the University of Nottingham and a spinoff company Oncoimmune, have developed a new blood test for the detection of solid cancers like lung, breast, ovarian, colon and prostate.
Clinical trials have revealed that the method can help detect the tumor as many as five years earlier than the current mammography or CT scans.
Based on the work of John Robertson a breast cancer specialist and a professor in the University of Nottingham, who launched Oncoimmune, the first blood test to be introduced into the US market is Early CDT- Lung. It is expected to be introduced in the UK in early 2011.
The Early CDT-lung test's target group are high-risk individuals: long-term or ex-smokers over the age of 40, people exposed to radon, asbestos or extensive second-hand smoke.
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