‘Go organic’ has become a universal buzzword of late. It’s considered chic to eat natural organic food, visit a spa that treats you with organic facials, swap your usual moisturizer and lipstick with the organic one and ultimately dress in the latest handspun organic garment. The range of organic products available is soaring, but the most popular category remains ‘organic food’.
Eating organic food is considered to be a big leap towards a healthier life, apart from the usual guidelines about water, whole grains, proteins, vitamins minerals and good fats. Many of us try to eat organic foods, but questions remain. Is this food really organic? Is it authentic? Oh, it’s so expensive is it worth the price? Will it really contribute to my family’s health?
In the first place, ‘organic food’ is nothing new; it has always been there. It’s our greed for higher and ever cheaper yield that has led to the extinction of organic foods. However, in recent past this industry has re-emerged and demand for organic foods has thereby grown. Here is an attempt to answer questions you may have regarding organic foods.
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