How are organic foods different from conventional foods?
Organic foods are made in a way that limits the use of synthetic additives/ fertilizers during production. Conventional foods are loaded with chemicals, drugs, hormones, and may also be genetically modified having deleterious effects on our body. Organic foods on the other hand also consistently contain one third as many residues as compared to conventionally grown foods.
Do pesticide residues in conventional foods really matter?
Most of us have been exposed to these pesticides previously over the years. The chemical burden is likely to weaken our immune systems and could be a cause for recurrent episodes of illness and infections. Pregnant women are most vulnerable to pesticide stress due to their already taxed organs. Pesticides are transferred to the growing fetus, and also through breast milk during lactation. Exposure to chemicals early on can cause developmental delays, behavioral disorders and motor dysfunction.
Is organic food more nutritious?
Research by European Commission (2009) confirms that organic foods differ considerably from conventional foods. Organic foods have higher levels of vitamins, mineral, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. The protein content might be low but is more easily absorbed by the body. The content of nutritionally undesirable compounds as heavy metals, toxins, residues and Salmonella shedding in livestock is minimal. In the long run, it definitely contributes to better immunity and improved health status.
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