Why is organic food more expensive?
Organic foods are usually 10-40% more expensive than conventional produce. The reason is organic crops are grown without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides with the result the yield is less, livestock grown devoid of hormones and antibiotics lowers the bulk. E.g. An organic chicken is 1/3 the size and weight than a conventional grown chicken. Organic farming aims to keeps the soil healthy with crop rotation, hence crops are not grown all time. The way to deal to with pest outbreaks or diseases is not as successful as with pesticide applications. Moreover, the organic certification is an expensive affair.
What about flavor and taste of foods?
Organic fruits and vegetables have better color, firmness, crispness, flavor and taste due to higher levels of antioxidants, nutrients and plant metabolites that give food its distinctive flavor. Conventional farming increases the yield of produce per acre and dilutes the natural taste and flavor of foods. Additionally, the high sugar content of organic foods prevents early deterioration.
How can we judge the authenticity of organic foods?
"Know your farmer, know your food" used to be the motto, and proponents of organic foods used to buy foods directly from the farmer. But this is not always possible. Recent evidence indicates that substantial cheating occurs in the organic food market. It is not easy to identify the genuine organic food from those labeled natural, non- genetically modified or organic. Every food product on the market shelf should be accredited and possess one of the following labels. To be certified organic, products must be grown and manufactured in a manner that adheres to standards set by the country they are sold in.
In India Organic foods are certified by National Programme for Organic Production.
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